TATME / TAMIS anal retractor

Suitable for a range of colorectal procedures, this style of retractor has proven popular for use in rectal procedures, such as TATME / TAMIS, anal fistula repair, perineal protection. The adjustable screws provide for flexibility and adjustment to the shape of the ring. This allows the surgeon to adapt the device to various surgical sites.


Colorectal, General Surgery

  • Repair of anal fistula
  • Repair of rectovaginal fistula
  • Sphincteroplasty
  • Colon-anus anastomosis
  • Congenital megacolon surgery
  • Total rectal excision ileal pouch anal anastomosis/mucosal resection

Key Features

  • A variety of flexible ring designs can be quickly, safely and accurately placed at the surgical site.
  • Pulling ring and multi-slot design facilitate adjustment.
  • The operation is simple and convenient, and the exposure of the operation field can be realised by only three steps: placing the pulling ring, placing the pulling hook and fixing the pulling hook.
  • Self-sustaining design can effectively realise the value of both hands of the operator.



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