COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has had a global impact on healthcare, particularly in laparoscopic surgical operations. Operating Room Systems seeks to work together with our customers to establish safe practices for all staff and patients during this unprecedented time and moving forward.

We are pleased that we can support all theatre departments with the product range from LEXION, ensuring that when Laparoscopy is felt to be the best procedure for the patient, we can provide leading-edge technology that will condition the CO2 into the patient, and filter CO2 out of the theatre in order that staff can operate in the safest possible environment.

The AP 50/30 Insufflator partnered with the Insufflow Port and PneuVIEW ensures continuous flow of CO2 from the Insufflator, through the patient, and out of the OR.  The PneuVIEW smoke eliminator actively evacuates CO2, aerosolized particles, droplets, and hazardous gases from the surgical cavity, and the OR throughout the procedure.  InsufflowPorts two seals minimize abdominal air leakage into the OR regardless of the instrument or scope presented.

Safely desufflated with PneuView’s patented vacuum break which eliminates the risk of negative abdominal pressure.