Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
16 Feb, 2021

Lymph nodes can be important in identifying if cancer cells have developed and spread to other parts of the body. This spread can be through the lymphatic system, and one of the closest points of spread for these cancers is through the sentinel lymph nodes.   The sentinel lymph node is defined as the first, or closest lymph node to which cancer cells are most likely to spread from the primary tumor, and in some cases, there can be more than one sentinel lymph node.

A sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is a procedure where the surgeon identifies the sentinel lymph node and then removes it.   Once removed it can be examined to ascertain whether cancer cells are present.

A surgeon injects a radioactive substance, a blue dye, or both near the tumor to locate the position of the sentinel lymph node.

The probes offered within the Operating Room portfolio, ensure a wide variety of probe preferences can be satisfied for the surgeon.   The devices offered leading-edge levels of sensitivity and adjustability for a wide scope of clinical applications.

The technology has now filtered into other areas of surgery with laparoscopic probes now available for specialties such as gynecology.